$1,800.00 USD

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Your Gold Level Membership Includes 12 Months of:

  • Online Training Portal
  • Mobile App
  • Course Certification
  • Private Community
  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Coaching Call Live Recordings
  • Twelve 1:1 coaching calls
  • 2 x Live Events


This is a 12 month, non-cancellable program. By completing the checkout, you are agreeing to make twelve payments at $1,800/month. Click here for the full Terms of Service.

What Students Are Saying:

I went from missing my goal, to over attaining my Q2 quota by almost 200%. My investment in Ian was paid 3x over in the first quarter I started working with him.

Ryan Greene, Account Executive @ Salesforce

Closed $434,000 ARR today - most I’ve ever closed in a single day. Crushed my quarterly and annual quota. Finished #1 on the entire sales floor in Q4 in ARR and I will finish top 2 in the entire company. Thank you for your time, help and most importantly believing in me Ian! Sky’s the limit and can’t wait to work with you next year.

Jeffrey Dorsey, Senior Key Software Account Manager @ Kaseya

Want to let you know how thankful I am this year for all the coaching I received from you. It has certainly paid off. A few days ago, I closed a $3.5M ARR ($21M TCV) opportunity, crushed my quota for the year, and hit my targeted income that we planned out last year - which was still a little hard for me to believe was possible.

Sonitha Kiman, Senior Regional Sales Director - Federal @ Dilligent

Last quarter I was the #1 AE out of an org of 50 and, as it stands, I’m the #1 AE again. I attribute much of this to your coaching on daily habits, strict focus on RGAs and having a mindset of leveraging discovery to serve.

Tyler Erickson, Account Executive, Majors - Install Base @ Procore

Just closed the biggest deal of my career so far thanks to what I’ve learned in the program and 1:1 coaching with you.

Myron Bryant, Account Executive - Nonprofit @ Salesforce

I get 3x as much done in the same amount of time. Since joining the program, I have attained over 100% improvement in my quota at work and I will blow past my multi-year quota in Q3!

Matt Linvingston, Named Account Executive @ Salesforce

Just wanted to thank you for all the help with [BIG ACCOUNT]. Got it closed on Friday (and had a few “base hits” as you’d say) and ended up at 140% and #1 for the quarter!

Thomas Haggarty, Enterprise Account Executive @ FullStory